2004 Fly Off Report

2003 WC Fly
2004 WC Fly Judge
Dennis Burke
Of Michigan


This is Dennis and the hat he will be wearing outside the baggage pick-up area when he is to be picked up.


2004 World Cup Roller Fly

Fly-Off Report

By Dennis Burke – 2004 World Cup Fly-off Judge


Judging the 2004 World Cup finals, 68 finalists and largest fly-off ever, was a great honor and an unforgettable experience. I enjoyed every minute and had the time of my life. There are a number of people who I would like to thank at this time for without them it wouldn’t have been the experience that it was.  First,  I have to thank my wife and son, for without their support I wouldn’t have been able to do this trip and enjoy myself.  Also a big thanks to them for taking care of my rollers for me and raising some youngsters while I was gone. Secondly to Steve Clayton, thanks for putting together an itinerary  that was real easy for me to follow as I went on my judging route. Again to Steve for all the phone calls before I left to make sure that we had everything (which we did) that I would need along the way. Steve you did a super job.  To everyone who picked me up at the airports and got me to the airports on time.  To everyone who put me up in their homes or motels and fed me and washed my clothes. Everyone of you made me feel at home and that made it much easier for me to be away from home.  To all of you that took me around on sightseeing tours. I wanted to experience some of the different things that were unique to the areas I visited, and you made it possible for me to do that.  To those that took me to an event in your area, I really enjoyed those as well.  To the RD’s and to the flyers, I enjoyed each and every kit flown for me.

As everyone knows, who fly’s rollers, they can disappoint you more then make you happy, but it doesn’t seem to curb our enthusiasm for them. That was evident while traveling all over the world, which was very heartening. Finally I would like to extend my congratulations to Peter Handy for winning this years World Cup Fly. Enjoy your next year as the reigning World Cup Fly Champion.

   Good luck to all next year.

  Dennis Burke

  Place       Name/country                          Turns Scored                         Quality      Depth              Score

 1st.  Peter Handy/England     5,5/7,7,5,5,8,5//5,6,7,5//8,7,7//5,7,10,7,5            1.5       1.3                   265.2

20 birds Weather overcast/windy. Kit worked well in spite of windy conditions. Good quality and team work, would like to see kit under better conditions.

 2nd. Peter Lynam/England     5,5,5,8,5,5,10//5,5,7,7//5,6//6,5,7                        1.4       1.4                   207.76

20 birds Weather P-cloudy Kit flew nice height and pattern. Nice breaks first 10 minutes. Homer joined kit and disrupted kit for the remainder of fly.

 3rd. Don Oullette/USA         6,6,7,8,6,10//5,8,5,5//7//5,6,                                 1.4      1.5                   197.4

19 birds Weather Cloudy, Cool   Kit worked well first 10 minutes then went flat for a period of time Good quality and Depth.

 4th. Jerry Higgins/USA    6,6//5,5,5,6//6,7,7,6,5//6,8,5,6,5,6                             1.4      1.4                   196

20 birds Weather Clear, Warm. Kit really didn’t want to work together Good quality &depth

5th. Robert Parker/USA   6,6,5,5,6//6,5,5//6,8//7,10,5,5                                1.4          1.4                   186.2

20 birds Weather overcast, cool work rate was a little off. Some out birds Good quality&depth

 6th. Eric Laidler/Denmark    5,5,7,5,6,7//5,7,5,5,6//6,6,5,8                            1.3           1.4                   160.16

20 birds Weather P-cloudy breezy Kit was stiff at times. Had some nice spinners in kit.

 7th. Tim Decker/USA    5,6,7,5//7,5,5,6,5,6,5//5,5//5,6,5,5                            1.4         1.2                   156.24

20 birds Weather overcast, slight wind. Kit had some nice quality. Kit  got to high for a few  minutes to judge.

 8th. Jimmy Goetz/USA     5,5,5,6//7,6,7,7,5,5//5,7//5                                     1.3          1.3                   126.75

19 birds Weather Warm, clear, slight breeze Had out birds almost the whole fly that cost some breaks. Had some nice style birds in kit.

 9th. Henk  Nijman/Holland    6,5,5,5,8,5//5,8,5,7//6,5,5//5                    1.2       1.3                   124.8

20 birds Weather Clear & cool Kit wasn’t as sharp as it could be. A few good ones in the kit.

 10th. Clay Hoyle/USA          5,5,5,5//7,5,6,7,7,5//5,5,5,5//5                1.2       1.2                   118.08

20 birds Weather overcast, warm. Kit was water falling not real sharp.

 11th. John Jones/USA         6//5,5,8,5,6,6//8,6,5,5,//0                                       1.3       1.3                   109.85

20 birds Weather overcast  Kit was stiff at times. Out birds hurt scoring at times. Had some nice quality birds.

 12th. Dave Szabatura/USA     0//7,6,6,6//8,5,5,5,5//5,6                                    1.3       1.3                  108.16

20 birds weather Clear, calm Kit flew fast at times. Lost some breaks for being out of range. Had some nice spinners in kit.   

13th. Ramsey Ajlouni/USA      6,8,6,//5//7,5,6//6                                   1.4       1.5                   102.9

20 birds Weather Clear&breezy Kit flew a little strong, didn’t want to set up for breaks. Good quality and Depth

 14th. Johnny Conradie /S.AFRICA    5,6,5//5,5,6,7,5,6,//5,5//5                        1.3       1.1                   92.95

20 birds Weather Clear and still. Kit was water falling. Some nice spinners in kit

 15th. Rick Schoening/USA     6,5,6,5,5,5//6,5,6//5//0                                        1.3       1.3                   91.26

19 birds Weather P-cloudy   Kit worked sky well at a nice judging height. Falcon hit kit around15 min. mark. 2 birds out until 1 minute left in fly.

 16th. Keith London/USA      6,5,8,5,//9//5,5//5,6                                              1.2       1.3                   84.24

20 birds Weather Clear and Calm Kit didn’t want to work together. Water falling

 17th. Wendell Spisak/USA   5,5,5,5//5,6//6,6,5//5                                             1.3      1.2                   82.68

20 birds Weather Clear and cool. Kit really didn’t work together. Quality got better as time went on.

 18th. Dean Forster/England      5,7,6,6,6//5,5,5                                                 1.3       1.3                  76.05

20 birds Weather Clear and still.  Out birds constantly hurt scoring. Some nice quality birds in kit.

 19th. Jim Bakker/USA              5//6//5,5,5,6//0                                                 1.5       1.5                   72

20 birds Weather Clear, Hot, breezy Kit didn’t want to work together. Kit had good quality with good separation on breaks.

 20th. Ivan Hanchett/USA        5,5,5//5,5,5//5,6,7//0                                          1.2       1.2                   69.12

18 birds Weather overcast no wind. Kit to high to judge for a period late in the fly. Couple of excellent quality birds in kit.

 21st. Jim Spring/USA        5,5//6,5//7//5                                                            1.4       1.3                   60.06

20 birds Weather P-cloudy slight wind. Kit had out bird problems most of the fly. Couple of excellent spinners in kit.

 22nd. Dennis Hayes/USA    5//5,5,6//5,7,6//5,5,6,5                                           1.0       1.0                   60

20 birds Weather Clear, cool, no wind. Kit just wanted to fly in small area and not work very hard

 23rd. Peter Larvin/England    6,6,5,7//0//7//0                                                      1.3       1.4                   56.42

20 birds Weather Cloudy Constant out birds hurt scoring. Some nice quality and some deep birds.

 23rd. Aubrey McKay/ S.AFRICA   0//5,5,5,6,5//0//5                                        1.4      1.3                   56.42

20 birds Weather Clear, Still Kit wasn’t to active. Couple of nice spinners in kit.  

24th. Gert du Plessis/ S.AFRICA        7,8//0//6//5                                             1.5       1.3                  50.7 

20 birds. Weather Clear and cool. Kit flew to fast to setup. Some nice quality birds in kit.

 25th. Scott Campbell/USA         5,5,5//5//0/5                                                    1.3      1.4                   45.5

20 birds Weather   Clear and warm. Kit didn’t want to work together. Had some nice individual spin

 26th. Mike Wolden/USA      6,6//7,8//0//0                                                        1.2      1.4                  45.36

19 birds Weather Clear and breezy   Kit flew fast and didn’t want to setup. Some nice depth.   

 27th. Riaan Kruger/ S.AFRICA         5,6//5//7,5//0                                           1.3      1.2                  43.68

20 birds Weather     Clear and warm. Kit was loose and water falling.

 28th. Jay Starley/USA         6,5//5,5//7//0                                                          1.2       1.2                   40.32

20 birds Weather   Clear and calm.  Kit was flat. Couple of real nice spinners.

 29th. Henry “Hank” Lumpkins/USA       7,5,5//0//5//0                                       1.4      1.3                  40.04

20 birds Weather clear and Hot. Kit worked at a good height, water falling, some nice spinners in kit.

30th. David Connell/USA     5//0//5//5,5,6                                                         1.2      1.2                   37.44

19 birds Weather Cloudy   Kit a little to strong just wanted to fly.

 31st. Tom Mendes/USA    5,//5,5//5,5//5                                                          1.0       1.2                   36

20 birds Weather Warm and Humid   Kit did a lot of water falling

32rd. Paul Joubert/ S.AFRICA     5,5,5//5,5                                                      1.3       1.1                   35.75

20 birds Weather Clear and warm, still. Kit flew most of the time and didn’t want to set up. 2nd. Bird landed after 18:30 min.

 33rd. Joe Urbon/USA         0//6,6//7,5//0                                                          1.2       1.2                   34.56

16 birds Weather Clear and warm. Kit just wanted to fly. 

 34th. Alton Davis/USA      6//5//5//5,5                                                               1.1      1.2                  34.32

20 birds Weather   Clear and hot. Kit just flew. Didn’t want to work together.

 34th. Len Hall/USA       5,6//5//5,5//0                                                                1.1      1.2                  34.32

20 birds Weather P-cloudy and warm. Kit to strong. Not much team work.

 35th. Jose Luis Lorenzo/USA      5,7//6//5,5//0                                                  1.1       1.1                   33.88

20 birds Weather P-cloudy still. Out birds hurt scoring chances.

 36th. Doug Anderson/USA        5//0//5,5,6//0                                                   1.2       1.3                  32.76

20 birds Weather Clear and breezy Kit got blown around in the wind and couldn’t get it together.


37th.  Jim Taylor/ S,AFRICA         5//0//5//7                                        1.4       1.3                   30.94

20 birds Weather Clear, cold, windy    Kit flew low and fast fighting the wind. Couple of nice quality birds in kit.

 37th. Frank Baker/S.AFRICA      5,6//0//0//6                                                   1.4       1.3                   30.94

20 birds Weather clear and Cool. Kit flew on the left wing the whole fly. Not much performance.

 38th. Alan Dewey/USA         0//5,5,5//5//5                                                        1.0       1.2                   30

19 birds Weather Cloudy      Kit was flat. Just wanted to fly

 39th. Nick Tsoltoudis/Australia     5,5//0//0//6,5                                    1.2       1.1                  27.72

20 birds Weather Cloudy, Cool, Still   Kit flew low wasn’t able to commit to the roll. Couple of decent birds in kit.

 40th. Casey Strzelewicz/USA    5//5//5//5                                                          1.0       1.2                   24

19 birds Weather Cloudy, Cool        Kit not very sharp, water falling.   

 41st. Ben van Heerden/ S.AFRICA       5,5//0//0//5                                           1.3      1.2                   23.4   

19 birds Weather    Clear, Cool, Breezy Kit flew low and fast fighting the wind                                                                                       

 42nd. Woody Gottlieb/USA         5//5//5//0                                                       1.2      1.2                   21.6

18 birds Weather     Cloudy, Warm, Still   Out birds hurt scoring through out fly. 2nd birds landed after 15:30 minutes.

 43rd. Norm Herrin/USA       6//0//5,5//5                                                            1.0      1.0                   21

20 birds Weather Clear, Warm, Humid    Kit flew a little strong. A lot of activity but not enough scoreable rolls.   

 43rd. Chris Venter/ S.AFRICA      6//5//5//5                                                 1.0           1.0                   21

16 birds Weather clear, Cold, Still   Not a lot of action, Some water falling going on.

 44th. Albert Wallis/ S.AFRICA             0//5//6//5                                              1.1       1.0                   17.6

20 birds Weather   Clear, Cool, Slight breeze   Out birds almost the whole fly.

 45th. George Ohlsen/USA                  5//5,6//0//0                                         1.0            1.0                   16

20 birds Weather     Overcast, breezy.   Kit flew most of time didn’t want to perform in wind.

 45th. Jack Courts/Canada     5//0//6//5                                                          1.0           1.0                   16

20 birds Weather     Clear, Cool, Still    Kit had out birds almost the whole fly.

 46th. Nick Kruger/ S.AFRICA         0//5,5//0//0                                               1.0       1.0                   14.4     

20 birds Weather Clear, Cool. Still    Kit had out birds almost the whole fly.                                      


47th. Hennie Pfahl/ S.AFRICA                 6,5//0//0//0                                        1.0      1.0                   11   

20 birds Weather Clear, Cool, Still   A lot of action but not scoreable

 48th. Bill Crider/USA             5,5//0//0//0                                                          1.0      1.0                   10

20 birds Weather Clear, Warm       Kit flew low the whole fly.

 48th. Dennis Berry/USA           5//5//0//0                                                           1.0       1.0                   10

20 birds Weather Clear, Cool, Still     Kit did a lot of water falling.

 48th. Peet Breedt/ S.AFRICA         5//5//0//0                                                    1.0      1.0                   10

20 birds Weather Clear, Warm, Still     Kit had out birds almost the whole fly.

 49th. Paul Bryne/ Australia    0//5//0//0                                                              1.1       1.2                   6.6

20 birds Weather P-Cloudy, Cool, Windy Kit fought the wind had out birds problems the whole fly.

 50th. Alex Hamilton/USA            5//0//0//0                                                        1.0       1.2                   6

20 birds Weather      P-Cloudy, Warm, Breezy   Kit flew low and breezy conditions hurt kit performance.

 50th. Steve Evans/USA   0//6//0//0                                                                    1.0      1.0                   6

20 birds Weather   Cloudy, Still Kit was flat.

 51st  Ben Subke/ S.AFRICA        0//0//0//5                                                      1.0      1.1                   5.5

17 birds Weather   Clear, Warm, Still       Kit was flat and water falling.

 52nd. Ken Easley/USA      0//0//5//0                                                                  1.0       1.0                  5

17 birds Weather    Clear, Cool, Still     Kit was to strong just flew

 52nd. Henk van Rensburg/ S.AFRICA            0//0//0//5                                    1.0       1.0                   5

20 birds Weather Clear, Warm, Still    Kit was active but not quality rolling

 52nd. Stoffel Smit/ S.AFRICA                   0//0//5//0                                          1.0      1.0                   5

20 birds Weather   clear, Warm, Still      Kit flew fast and flew through breaks.

 53rd. Brad Strong/Australia                        0//0//0//0                                                                              0

20 birds Weather   P-cloudy, Cool, Breezy      Constant out birds during whole fly.2nd bird landed after 18:00 minutes.

 54th. Lloyd Lee/USA     20 birds Weather   Warm and Humid Kit just never elevated                DQ

2nd bird landed after 8:50 minutes

 54th. Jerry Green/USA 18 birds Weather P-Cloudy, Breezy Kit flew fast on the left wing           DQ

                                               The whole fly. 2nd bird landed after 10.35 minutes. 


55th. Al Luna/USA                                                                                                                               DNF

 55th. Hannes Rossouw/ S.AFRICA                                                                                                      DNF

 55th. Buks Knoetze/ S,AFRICA                                                                                                           DNF

                                                                       Congratulation to Peter Handy World Cup Champion 2004







1 Peter Handy 265.2 England
2 Peter Lyman 207.76 England
3 Don Ouellette  197.4 N. CA Coast
4 Jerry Higgins 196.0 Southern California
5 Robert Parker 186.2 Southern California
6 Eric Laidler 160.16 Denmark
7 Tim Decker 156.24 Southern California
8 Jimmy Goetz  Kentucky 126.75 N. Central East Region
9 Henk Nijman 124.8 Holland
10 Clay Hoyle  N Carolina 118.08 South East
11 John Jones 109.85  San Diego California
12 Dave Szabatura 108.16 East Region
13 Ramsey Ajlouni  102.9 N. CA Coast
14 Johnny Conradie  Region 1  92.95 South Africa
15 Rick Schoening  Montana 91.26 N. Rocky Mtn
16 Keith London 84.24 S. California North
17 Wendell Spisak 82.68 N. Central East Region
18 Dave Forster 76.05 N. East England
19 Jim Bakker 72 N. California Central
20 Ivan Hanchett Oregon 69.12 Northwest International
21 Jim Spring 60.6 New England
22 Dennis Hayes  Idaho 60 N. Rocky Mtn
23 Peter Larvin 56.42 England
23 Aubrey Mckay  Region 1  56.42 South Africa
24 Gert du Plessis Region 2 50.7 South Africa
25  Scott Campbell 45.5  N. California Central
26 Mike Wolden 45.36 N. CA Coast
27 Riaan Kruger  Region 1  43.68 South Africa
28 Jay Starley Utah 40.32 Mountain West
29 Henry “Hank” Lumpkins 40.04 S. California North
30  David Connell 37.44 Central Region
31 Tom Mendes 36 Hawaii
32 Paul Joubert  Rustenburg Region 4 35.75 South Africa
33 Joe Urbon 34.56 Northern California
34 Alton Davis 34.32 S. California North
34 Len Hall 34.32 Texas
35 Jose Luis Lorenzo 33.88 Southern California
36 Doug Anderson 32.76 New England
37 Jim Taylor Region 2 30.94 South Africa
37 Frank Baker  Region 2 30.94 South Africa
38 Alan Dewey 30 Western Plains
39 Nick Tsoltoudis  27.72 Australia
40 Casey Strzelewicz Oregon 24 Northwest International
41 Ben van Heerden Region 2 23.4 South Africa
42 Woody Gottlieb  Maryland 21.6 Tri State Region
43 Norm Herrin 21 Missouri
43 Chris Venter Region 3 21 South Africa
44 Albert Wallis  Region 3 17.6 South Africa
45 George Ohlsen Utah 16 Mountain West
45 Jack Courts  Ontario 16 Canada
46 Nick Kruger  Witbank Region 5 14.4 South Africa
47 Hennie Pfahl Region 3 11 South Africa
48 Bill Crider 10 Northern California
48 Dennis Berry  Nebraska 10 Great Plains Region
48 Peet Breedt  Region 1  10 South Africa
49 Paul Bryne  6.6 Australia
50 Alex Hamilton 6 Texas
50 Steve Evans  Kansas 6 Central Region

Ben Subke  Region 1 

5.5 South Africa
52 Ken Easley 5 New Mexico
52 Henk van Rensburg Region 4 5 South Africa
52 Stoffel Smit Rustenburg Region 4 5 South Africa
53 Brad Strong  0 Australia
54 Lloyd Lee Kansas DQ Central Region
54 Jerry Green DQ Iowa
55 Al Luna Did Not Fly Arizona
55 Hannes Rossouw Region 3 Did Not Fly South Africa
55 Buks Knoetze Region 4 Did Not Fly South Africa



F-May 28th      Arrive in Seattle WA, NW Region

S-May 29th      Judge NW Finalist

S-May 30th      Judge NW Finalist, fly to SAC to arrive N.CA Region

M-June 31st      Judge N. CA Finalists, drive to N. CA Central Region

T-June 1st         Judge N. CA Central Finalists, drive to N. CA Coast Region

W-June 2nd       Judge N. CA Coast Finalists

T-June 3rd         Judge N. CA Coast Finalists, fly to SJC to BUR to S. CA North Region

F-June 4th         Judge S. CA N. Finalists

S-June 5th         Judge S. CA N. Region Finalists, drive to S.CA Region

S-June 6th         Judge S. CA Region Finalists

M-June 7th       Judge S. CA Region Finalists, drive to San Diego Region

T-June 8th         Judge San Diego Finalist, fly to AZ Region

W-June 9th       Judge AZ Finalist , fly to NM Region

T-June 10th       Judge NM Region Finalist, fly to Texas Region

F-June 11th       Judge Texas Finalist

S-June 12th       Judge Texas Finalist, fly to S. Central Region

S-June 13th       Judge S. Central Finalist, fly to Central Region

M-June 14th     Judge Central Region Finalist

T-June 15th       Judge Central Region Finalist

W-June 16th     Judge Central Region Finalist, fly to Denver, Western Plains Region

T-June 17th       Judge Western Plains Finalist, fly to Salt Lake City, Mtn. West Region

F-June 18th       Judge Mtn. West Finalist

S-June 19th       Judge Mtn. West Finalist, fly to N. Rocky Mtn. Region

S-June 20th       Judge N. Rocky Mtn. Finalist

M-June 21st      Judge N. Rocky Mtn. Finalist, fly to Great Plains Region

T-June 22nd      Judge Great Plains Finalist, fly to N. Central West Region

W-June 23rd     Judge N. Central West Finalist, fly to N. Central East

T-June 24th       Judge N. Central East Finalist

F-June 25th       Judge N. Central East Finalist

S-June 26th       Rest day at home for Dennis to change clothes, fly to S. East Region

S-June 27th       Judge South East Finalist, fly to Tri-State Region

M-June 28th     Judge Tri-State Finalist, fly to New England Region

T-June 29th       Judge New England Finalist

W-June 30th     Judge New England Finalist, drive to East Region

T-July 1st          Judge East Region Finalist, drive to Toronto

F-July 2nd         Judge Ontario Finalist

F-July 2nd         Fly to Amsterdam arriving on the 3rd, then on to Denmark

S-July 4th          Judge Denmark Finalist, fly to Amsterdam to Holland Region

M-July 5th        Judge Holland Finalist

T-July 6th          Fly from AMS to East Midlands England, regions to be scheduled by Paul Lee

S-July 11th        depart England Regions, to AMS, to South Africa

M-July 12th      arrive in South Africa, regions to be scheduled by Colyn Nel

W-July 21st      depart South Africa 7/21 4:35pm

T-July 22nd       arrive in Melbourne Australia, to be scheduled by Adrian Gasparini

T-July 27th        depart Sydney Australia

M-July 26th      arrive in Hawaii at 11:20pm (loose one day in flight from Sydney)

W-July 28th      depart Hawaii at 2:30pm and Judge arrives back home Thursday morning the 29th


