Auction Closes Sunday August 21st at 6:00 PM EDT
Funds from this auction will go to the cost of printing, Publishing and Mailing a World Cup Bulletin to every flyer entered in the 2005 Fly
These items may not cover the complete cost, so any donations to the auction will insure a free bulletin for all flyers. The estimated cost will be about $6,000.00 to publish and mail.
The 2005 World Cup bulletin auction consists of rollers and related items from some of the top roller lofts in the world. Check back often, as additional items will be posted as they are received. Read the auction guidelines closely this year, as there have been some necessary changes from the last auction regarding shipping and importation.
There are some photos of the Items below the Auction Guidelines |
Item # 1 | Rick Schoening | 6 Young Neibel’s from the loft of W/C Finals judge Rick Schoening | Released Closed AD Loft $160.00 |
Item # 2 | Dennis Hayes | 10 Bird Squeaker Kit from my loft | Released Closed Mike Danielson $300.00 |
Item # 3 | Peter Handy England | Pair of young rollers from 2004 W/C Champion | Released Closed Fred Foreman $120.00 |
Item # 4 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | Pair of young rollers bred directly from Heine Biker imports | Released Closed David Graham $200.00 |
bands are 2006
band bids, the high bidder will have his choice of band series
1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, or 401-500. 2nd high bidder gets next
choice, etc."
Item # 5 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A set of 100 small bands, blue with white etching, 7 mm inside diameter, from Adrian Gasparini. Postage paid. | Released Closed Bill Hart $80.00 |
Item # 6 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A set of 100 small bands, blue with white etching, 7mm inside diameter, from Adrian Gasparini. Postage paid. | Released Closed Jose Navarro $ 90.00 |
Item # 7 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A set of 100 small bands, blue with white etching, 7mm inside diameter, from Adrian Gasparini. Postage paid. | Released Abel Ibarra $130.00 |
Item # 8 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A set of 100 small bands, blue with white etching, 7mm inside diameter, from Adrian Gasparini. Postage paid. | Released Closed Smokin Hole Lofts $50.00 |
Item # 9 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A set of 100 small bands, blue with white etching, 7mm Inside diameter, from Adrian Gasparini. Postage paid. | Released Closed Clay Johnston $50.00 |
Item # 10 | Adrian Gasparini Australia | A kit minder made of Sidney Blue gum hardwood with polished brass inserts and pins. Keeps track of the number of birds in a kit. Postage paid by Adrian Gasparini. | Released Bob Munson $25.00 |
Item # 11 | Ron Duncan | 10 Bird Squeaker Kit from Ron Duncan bred from his family of Jerry Higgin’s and Robert Parker rollers. | Released Closed Mike Danielson $470.00 |
Item # 12 | Tim Decker | A quality pair of spinners from the loft of Tim Decker | Released Closed Escobedo $ 110.00 |
Item # 13 | Joe Testa | A pair of stock birds and 4 youngsters from the loft of Joe Testa | Released Closed Smokin Hole Lofts $90.00 |
Item # 14 | Juan Navarro | Four youngsters from the loft of NBRC Vice-President Juan Navarro | Released Closed John Henderson $120.00 |
Item # 15 | Ken Easley | A pair of youngsters bred from a top pair in the loft of Ken Easley | Released Closed Mr David $110.00 |
Item # 16 | Eldon Cheney | Four young rollers from the loft of NBRC President Eldon Cheney | Released Closed Trevor Rosebeary $100.00 |
Item # 17 A | Monica Cheney |
Numbered print
of the original pencil drawing, by Monica Cheney, of the famous 514 hen.
The original drawing sold for about $400.00 at the California Convention."
Released Closed Tavo Quezada $ 50.00 |
Item # 17 B | Monica Cheney |
Numbered print
of the original pencil drawing, by Monica Cheney, of the famous 514 hen.
The original drawing sold for about $400.00 at the California Convention."
Released Closed Don Macauley $35.00 |
Item #17 C | Monica Cheney |
Numbered print
of the original pencil drawing, by Monica Cheney, of the famous 514 hen.
The original drawing sold for about $400.00 at the California Convention."
Released Closed Solomon Vang $30.00 |
Item #17 D | Monica Cheney |
Numbered print
of the original pencil drawing, by Monica Cheney, of the famous 514 hen.
The original drawing sold for about $400.00 at the California Convention."
Released Closed Clay Johnston $50.00 |
Item # 18 | Dennis Burke | Four young rollers from the loft of 2003 W/C Champion Dennis Burke. | Released Closed Tony Rill $130.00 |
Item # 19 | Bobby Bradley | A pair of young rollers from the loft of Bobby Bradley | Released Closed AD Loft $ 100.00 |
Item # 20 | Corey Salery | Four young rollers from the loft of Corey Salery | Released Closed Ryan Aldcroft $ 50.00 |
Item # 21 | Ivan Hanchett | Four young rollers from the loft of Ivan Hanchett | Released Closed BRD Loft $120.00 |
Item # 22 | Clay Hoyle | A 10 bird squeaker kit from the loft of Clay Hoyle. Winning bidder can choose the parents from Clay’s Neibel or Jaconnette families, and he will breed the 10 bird kit from them. | Released Closed Joe Julio $175.00 |
Item # 23 | Dave Szabatura | A 10 bird squeaker kit from the loft of Dave Szabatura | Released Closed Roller 123 $160.00 |
Item # 24 | Brian McCormick | A young pair of rollers bred from the loft of Brian McCormick. Winning bidder may choose a pair from his Black Elvis family, or Horner family. | Released Closed Russ Dunagan $140.00 |
Item # 25 | Angelo Nastov | A pair of proven kit birds taken right from the competition kit of Angelo Nastov. These are bred from his best Ken Billing’s family of stock birds. | Released Closed Ron Moden $100.00 |
Item # 26 | Dave Henderson | Four young rollers from the well known loft of Dave Henderson | Released Closed Trevor Rosebeary $80.00 |
Item # 27 | Jim Schneider | An NBRC roller video collection from Jim Schneider. Several older videos very hard to find today. Video list collection below Auction Table | Released Closed Grant Gilman $100.00 |
Item # 28 | Bob Hord | Four young rollers bred directly from John Wiens family of rollers, from the loft of Bob Hord. John was the 2002 W/C Champion | Released Closed Jim Hang $120.00 |
Item # 29 | Paul Gomez | Two pair of rollers from the loft of Paul Gomez | Released Closed Mike Danielson $135.00 |
Item # 30 | Alex Hamilton | Four young birds from the loft of Alex Hamilton. Alex scored over 2300 points in the W/C Regional Fly, and judge Eldon Cheney told me it was the best kit he has ever judged | Released Closed Robert Biddle $220.00 |
Item # 31 | Doc Reimann | 10 squeakers bred from the terrific stock birds of Doc Reimann. | Released Closed Mike Danielson $140.00 |
Item # 32 | Brent Timeus | Four young birds bred from the best pairs of Brent Timeus | Released Closed Don Macauley $50.00 |
Item # 33 | John Wiens | Five youngsters from the loft of 2002 World Cup Champion John Wiens. ( Canada ) | Released Closed BYW Loft $130.00 |
Item # 34 | Jay Yandle | Four youngsters from the loft of Jay Yandle | Released Closed Scanner $120.00 |
Item # 35 | Richard Miller |
A pair of
youngsters from the loft of Richard Miller Guaranteed to be over 15 feet
in depth with quality spin. Ready to ship in late fall after final
Released Closed Wendell Spisak $120.00 |
Item #36 | Dave Moseley |
A pair of stock
birds proven to be producers of good kit birds, from the loft of Dave
Moseley. ( England )
Released Closed Steve Shivers $510.00 |
Item #37 | Paul Fullerton |
4 Youngsters
from the loft of Paul Fullerton. The winning bidder can select from Paul's
Ruby roller strain, A strain of Scott Campbell's birds, or a strain of
Chuck Roe/Mort Emami birds.
Released Closed Ryan Aldcroft $80.00 |
Item #38 | JoeBob Stuka |
youngsters from the loft of 2005 World Cup Champion JoeBob Stuka. 2 off
of each of the best 2 hens stocked from the World Cup team.
Released Closed Dwight Wallace $250.00 |